Sport Nutrition Specialist
Frequently Asked Questions
- How does the Sport Nutrition Specialist course operate?
- What study materials are included in the Sport Nutrition Specialist package?
- How long does it take to complete the program?
- Does the Sport Nutrition Specialist Program count for continuing education?
- What topics does the Sport Nutrition Specialist course cover?
- How does the examination process work?
- Taking the Exam Online (System Requirements)
- What do I receive after I pass the Sport Nutrition Specialist Exam?
- How much does the program cost?
- How do I register?
How does the Sport Nutrition Specialist course operate?
Sport Nutrition has become an increasingly popular topic in both professional and university settings. Clients and athletes are looking to fitness professionals to help them safely and effectively attain their goals. The NCSF provides the latest evidence-based content in the convenience of a distance-learning course through self-paced, multimedia-directed learning to prepare you for success in this market.
Upon registration for the NCSF Sport Nutrition Specialist Course, each candidate is provided immediate access to the online learning component of course and will be sent a hard-copy textbook if selected. As the candidate progresses through the lessons, they build a knowledge base that is applied during the practice and performance of outlined activities and lesson quizzes. Upon completion of the activities outlined in the course materials, candidates will be well prepared to take the Sport Nutrition Specialist exam.
What study materials are included in the Sport Nutrition Specialist package?
Study materials include the SNS e-Learning platform, 200+ practice exam questions, digital flashcards and instructional videos. The SNS e-Learning includes notes, question and answers activities and review quizzes for all 16 lessons in the course and pairs with the instructional videos to provide the optimal structure for examination preparation. The review quizzes provide instant feedback on your competency for each lesson while the practice exam allows students to review their retention of the entire course.
How long does it take to complete the program?
The Sport Nutrition Specialist course is designed as a self-paced program, suggesting the learner is in control of the timeline. Although individual completion time will vary, most candidates will complete the program in approximately 2-4 months.
Does the Sport Nutrition Specialist Program count for continuing education?
The Board for Certification has approved the program for continuing education units (CEUs). This affords current NCSF Certified Personal Trainers the opportunity to pursue the Sport Nutrition Specialist certificate and support their CPT credential upon completion. Successful completion of the program is defined as the passing of the Sport Nutrition Specialist qualifying exam. NCSF certified personal trainers will earn eight (8) CEUs towards their certification renewal. Non-NCSF certified professionals wishing to gain continuing education value for the program will need to contact their certifying organization to verify values. We recommend verifying prior to enrollment if you intend to use the program for continued education.
What topics does the Sport Nutrition Specialist course cover?
The Sport Nutrition Specialist course contains four units:
- Macronutrients
- Micronutrients
- Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic Aids
- Nutritional Analysis and Weight Management
How does the examination process work?
The Sport Nutrition course is used to prepare candidates to become a Sport Nutrition Specialist. Once a candidate completes the coursework, they should be adequately prepared to take and pass the Sport Nutrition Specialist Exam.
The on-demand examination is administered by appointment at over 1,000 test center locations operating in 83 countries as well as online. To take the exam, candidates must first register through the online registration process or over the phone at 800-772-NCSF(6273).
The exam is comprised of 150 multiple-choice questions. Candidates need to earn a passing score of 70 or greater to gain Sport Nutrition Specialist status. For more information visit the Sport Nutrition Specialist Exam section of our website.
Taking the Exam Online (System Requirements)
To take the certification exam remotely you will need to ensure your computer meets the following system requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 7 or Higher, Mac OS 10.13 Higher
- Web Browser: Current version of chrome
- Internet Connection Speed: 0.5 mbs or greater
- Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 is the minimum resolution required
What do I receive after I pass the Sport Nutrition Specialist exam?
Upon successful completion of the Sport Nutrition Specialist Exam, you will receive a complete certificate package. Included in your package will be a certificate suitable for framing, indicating that you have met the standards set forth by the National Council on Strength and Fitness Board for Certification and have earned the title of Sport Nutrition Specialist. This package will be forwarded to you within two weeks of passing the exam.
How much does the program cost?
The Sport Nutrition Specialist Course and Exam starts at $499.00. The course materials package includes access to the SNS e-Learning, digital flashcards, 200+ practice exam questions, sixteen video lectures and the examination voucher. The Sport Nutrition Specialist Exam can be purchased independently from the course for $299.
How do I register?
Once you have decided you would like to participate in the Sport Nutrition Specialist Course, you can simply enroll online using a major credit card, or contact the NCSF directly at 800-772-NCSF(6273) and register over the phone.